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This setting can vary between country : DD/MM/YYYY (European), MM/DD/YYYY (American), YYYY/MM/DD (Scandinavian), or DD/MM/YYYY (Buddhist, and the year is increased by 543).

The export format has changed since V8, it now uses a 4 year picture for the modifications date in the exported CTL format. This modification toward Y2K compliance has engendered some problems.

If you import from one picture to another one, you may don't succeed : for instance, import a YYYY/MM/DD into a DD/MM/YYYY system won't work at all, without any error message. In the previous situation (##/##/##), then only problem was the last modification dates that were a little strange, but the import was possible !

So always use the same setting for import and export, then change it later.

Alternatively you can look at the date picture (UPD={DATE="11/11/1999",TIME="23:04:49"}}, or '11/11/1999'DATE expressions) in the exported file, then change (with your favorite editor) it to a relevant modification date, for each date that is a problem.


This setting set the date separator, usually '/' but it may vary ('.' for instance).

So always use the separator used for the export.


This setting set the resource file for the Magic environment (menus, buttons, messages, actions,...)

'User action 1'ACT or 'Action Utilisateur 1'ACT are the same action, but in two different languages. If they are present in an expression table, then importing the 'Action Utilisateur 1'ACT into an English setting will result in an ''ACT an empty action.

So always use the ConstFile of the user that made the export (Mgconstw.eng is always installed).


Demjanenko Gennadi found the date problem and the solution when he accepts to send me his debugger.


I'd like to have a generic export format !